Happy Holidays friends! Whether you are spending it alone or with a houseful - we want to wish you peace and warmth. I hope your holidays are filled with hope and joy that flows from the inside out.
We didn't forget our Manic Monday! This Monday we are offering 35% off all WE R Makers products as well as Tonic/Nuvo/Craft Perfect products!
That's 35% off Trimmers, Adhesive, Tools, Ribbon and so much more!
Plus - we still have 49 and Market - 25% off and Stampers Anonymous 40% off for just a little bit longer
Okay, friends! I'll see you on the flip side! Talk soon - Love to you all. WE appreciate YOU! Kim
p.s. Don't forget to check out the Clearance department. New items added daily as well as Bundles of products.